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Distiller’s grains dryer is prepared to be put into operation!

Distiller’s grains dryer is prepared to be put into operation!

The Rotary dryer is among the most established drying machines because of its steady performance, extensive suitability, and substantial drying capacity, and is extensively employed in mining, metallurgy, construction materials, chemical industry, and agricultural industry.

The key part of the cylindrical dryer is a marginally inclined revolving cylinder. As the substances infiltrate the cylinder, they engage with the warm air either in parallel flow, counterflow, or have contact with the heated inner wall, and then undergo desiccation. The dehydrated goods exit from the lower extremity on the opposite side. In the course of the desiccation procedure, the substances travel from the apex to the base due to the gradual rotation of the drum under the force of gravity. Inside the drum, there are raising panels that continuously hoist and sprinkle the substances, thereby boosting the heat exchange area, advancing the drying pace, and propelling the forward movement of the substances. Subsequently, after the heat carrier (warm air or flue gas) desiccates the substances, the entrained debris is apprehended by a whirlwind dirt collector and then discharged.





Post time: Mar-29-2022