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In response to the Niger customer’s special process requirements for smoked dried fish

In response to the Niger customer's special process requirements for smoked dried fish, we customized these two sets of steam drying + smoked integrated drying rooms. With the help of several guys, we successfully completed the installation.


  • It utilizes abundant steam source, heat transfer oil, or hot water, resulting in low energy consumption.
  • The flow is regulated by a solenoid valve, which automatically opens and closes to ensure precise temperature control and minimal air fluctuation.
  • The temperature can rise rapidly and reach 150℃ with a specialized fan. (steam pressure is over 0.8 MPa)
  • Multiple rows of finned tubes are utilized for heat dissipation, and the main tube is equipped with seamless fluid tubes with high pressure resistance; fins are constructed from aluminum or stainless steel, offering high-efficiency heat transfer.
  • It is equipped with a hydrophilic aluminum foil dual waste heat recovery system, achieving both over 20% energy savings and emissions reduction.

Post time: Apr-07-2024