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  • Choose Western Flag Drying Room to Dry Mushrooms

    Choose Western Flag Drying Room to Dry Mushrooms

    Mushrooms are one of the dishes or ingredients we usually eat. Rich in nutrients, it can be used in soups, boils, and stir-fries. At the same time, mushrooms are also very famous medicinal mushrooms, which have medicinal values such as relieving hunger, activating wind a...
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  • Drying machine is a boon to the fruit and vegetable industry: bringing new choices of freshness and health

    Drying machine is a boon to the fruit and vegetable industry: bringing new choices of freshness and health

    Drying machine is a boon to the fruit and vegetable industry With the continuous development of science and technology, many traditional food processing methods have encountered new challenges. However, the emergence of dryer technology has brought new possibilities to our food processing. Recent...
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  • How to dry mushrooms by hot air circulation drying room

    How to dry mushrooms by hot air circulation drying room

    How to dry mushrooms by hot air circulation drying room? Mushrooms are prone to mildew and rot under the bad weather. Drying mushrooms by sun and air may lose more nutrients with poor appearance, low quality. Therefore, using drying room to dehydrate mushrooms is a good choice. The process of deh...
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  • Western flag, drying room design & drying equipment manufacturer

    Western flag, drying room design & drying equipment manufacturer

    Drying room design & drying equipment manufacturer Drying is a relatively systematic engineering process, nowaday there are few industry standards to reference,  many customers are unsure about how to select a suitable drying equipment for themself. So, let us introduce it today.. Electric h...
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