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WesternFlag—What factors need to be considered when choosing a suitable drying room?

Nowadays, all walks of life more and more to use the drying room equipment, such as food, fruits and vegetables, meat products, Chinese herbs, agricultural and sideline products and other processing. Then for different materials, choose which drying room equipment drying more appropriate?


Choose a suitable drying room equipment need to consider the following aspects of the factors:

Ⅰ Temperature: must be based on product characteristics to set the drying temperature (according to the need to use cold air or hot air drying products), and the use of what heat source (such as coal, natural gas, steam, electric heating, clean energy air heat pump dryer, etc.) is related to the cost of drying and to take into account the requirements of the environmental protection, the use of the size of the heat source of heat is related to the speed of warming up (warming up too slowly affects the quality of the product);


Ⅱ Air volume: drying room inside a reasonable amount of wind, you can make the drying room without temperature, humidity dead ends, so that the product drying more uniformly, faster, so that the product quality is better;

Ⅲ Humidity: Damping (cold air is used in closed dehydration, while the hot air is used in open damping, here uniformly referred to as damping) is designed to dry the product, what time to drain the moisture, how to drain the moisture to determine the quality of the product, and then how to be more economical and effective drainage, to achieve energy-saving effect (from the hot drying room discharge of moisture are with high-temperature heat, how to recycle this part of the heat is the focus of energy-saving);


Ⅳ Drying method: according to the characteristics of the material and the user's site and other factors, you can choose to hang the rack, support hooks, mesh discs and other drying methods, consider the smooth airflow in the drying room, to ensure that the uniformity of the material drying;

Ⅴ Drying process: the use of drying process in line with the characteristics of the product, is the key to processing good products, this needs to be based on the characteristics of the dried product, coupled with a long period of experience can be obtained.


Western flag has many years of drying experience, the drying process requirements of various types of products in various industries have a deep understanding of the meat products, Chinese herbs, fruits and vegetables and other types of products have mature drying process parameters, there are special technical personnel to docking, two-way communication to ensure that the design of the drying room equipment can be dried out of high-quality products.

Post time: Jun-06-2024